Thursday, February 11, 2010

Alex Vagyok

There are 300 people working at my company’s Hungarian office. About 40% are women. As far as I know, there are two single-stall female bathrooms in the building. I drink at least one coke zero each day, and my New Year’s resolution was to drink more water. Ergo, I spend way too much time waiting in line outside of the bathroom.

Usually I just smile at the 20+ colleagues whom inevitably walk by while I am chilling outside of the bathroom. However, today one of my coworkers Zsolt whom I had never talked to before stopped and told me he had found my plug.

That is strange. I like to keep my plug private.

OH! My blog!

Hi, coworkers whom I didn’t know were reading this!

Alex vagyok. Sajnálom, hogy nem beszélek magyarul. A magyar nyelvtanulásom nem ment jól. Kérem legyen szíves beszéljen hozzám angolul.


  1. :) If that last paragraph reflecting your real hungarian knowledge then I'm very impressed! Your hungarian is way better than my english :) Keep up the good work with your blog, it was very entertaining in the last few months to see us through an "outsiders" eye...

  2. A légpárnás hajóm tele van angolnákkal!

  3. Haha! This might be my favorite. I'm going to be sure to plug your plug to everyone I know.
