Evil Pimms! After my second cup I decided I needed to dance, and the next thing I know it's 4 AM. I'm incredibly sweaty, my phone has died, and people are looking for me saying my husband is worried sick. I should also mention I found Tim drinking straight from the bottle of Pimms, like a pirate.
They weren't always pirates.

We were celebrating the England vs. USA soccer football match which ended in a draw. It was a proud day for American ex-pats in Budapest until the Hungarian American football team joined us at the bar and reminded everyone why foreigners think Americans are douches.
Luckily, Krista and I were there to redeem America's reputation.

If you define redemption as being unable to follow the football match, eating hamburgers and drinking Pimms like it was my job.
And deciding to go spelunking at the Palvolgyi Cave on Sunday.

In unrelated news, Kris introduced me to the skinny arm.
According to legend, if you shout the name of your favorite dish into the Laszlo Lakatos Chamber, the dish will be waiting for you in your kitchen.

Unfortunately upon our return home neither a pig roast nor blueberry pancakes were waiting for us.
(Can you guess which one was Krista's request? Hint: her favorite website is shouldieatbacon?.com.)

While the rest of the world focuses on the World Cup this week, I will reserve my energy for the not-so-young and occasionally-hustling Boston Celtics. Kris, you might want to purchase a romper for the occasion. Go Cs!!!
Poor Angelica! (Or should I say: "Yay Angelica!" ?) I miss the 'Pest!