Friday, March 12, 2010


It's been a rough week at work, so between that and my obsessive (and so far unsuccessful) search to find the season premiere of The Real Housewives of NYC online, I don't have much going on. Which means I will continue to milk last weekend.

I wish I were enough of a badass to run wearing that.

That would be Cem's bum.

Who needs Chanel when you have snap bracelets?

Ralphie and I were the only ones who thought the free Ovaltine bars were delicious.

We decided everyone looks better in black and white.

Or wearing a mining light.

Contrary to the above photo, Cem did leave his post to run the race.

My little Lexipoo.

I am off to Istanbul tomorrow so will have new stories soon. Hopefully ones involving bathhouses and large Turkish women with loofahs.

1 comment:

  1. im kind of insulted this post got no comments. not even from mama boc?!

    well at least I LIKED IT! (not as much as you liked that fat turkish woman rubbing you down though. ah joy!)
