Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hungarian Oxymorons

1. Wearing a facemask but no helmet while biking.
Source: Most bikers.

2. Drinking a diet coke with typical Hungarian lunch fare.
Source: Me.

3. Complaining about politics and not voting.
Source: 64% of eligible voters.

4. The actual number of cars in Budapest and the number of cars the roads are built to support.
Source: HU government.

5. Promoting Nougat Bits cereal under the Fit & Activ brand.
Source: DE-VAU-GE Cereals Holding GMBH.

6. Stereotypical Hungarian passive mentality and driving style.
Source: All drivers.

7. The size of cars and the size of parking spaces.
Source: HU government.

1 comment:

  1. 8. Alcohol content of Palinka and innocuous labels featuring harmless fruits such as the strawberry!
    Source: Tom George Restaurant bar.

    9. Hungarian "Passport Control" stations and complete indifference of customs officials.
    Source: Ferihegy Airport.
