But first, let's take a trip down memory lane to last year's M/C holiday party. Given that all of the associates had played instruments at some point during childhood, we decided to provide the evening's entertainment by seranading our colleagues with holiday songs.

Ed played the guitar and sang (and was GOOD!), Hoop did the same (ditto), Nate played the drums, and I played the keyboard. The songs were simple, but we had to practice. A lot. The highlight of the night was when one of the wives approached me and asked if I had learned the piano solely for this performance (I took piano for 12 years). However, the night was a success, including the fact I didn't demolish anyone's pool table.

This year's company holiday party was billed as a night of "eating, drinking, salsa and poker." Actually that is a lie - I have no idea how it was characterized as the invitation was in Hungarian.
Upon arrival, the Hungarian CFO took me aside, reached into his jacket pocket and offered me a shot of his homemade pallinka. I had known Hungarians trump Americans when it comes to drinking, but BYOP to an open bar takes the cake.
My social confidence fortified, I had a fun dinner with coworkers. Salsa dancing began around 9 PM when dancers in figure skating outfits started pumping the crowd. I was feeling good from the pallinka - but not that good - so I left the table before one of the dancers could grab me. I want to learn salsa; I do not want to learn salsa in front of 300 Hungarian coworkers.
A few drinks later, the finance team was ready to dance. The dance floor was for at least 100; there were 12 of us. But it didn't matter, and when Balazs requested Lady Gaga, it REALLY didn't matter.
I made it home around 1 AM for a good four hours of sleep before my flight to Frankfurt in the morning.
Hungarian holiday parties - I am Q to V impressed!
she's back!