Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

I have heard the sign of an intelligent person is learning from past mistakes. Unfortunately, I have been less than intelligent over the past week.

Who uses a parking break? Apparently most people in Hungary. I first learned this when my coworker Edina drove my car this summer, and the car started smoking and screeching when I drove it home later that night with the parking break unknowingly activated. Oops. It happened again this week, but at least I knew what the smell of burning tires meant.

Step aerobics class. I tried a step class once in Boston and walked out after five minutes. I fully support most aerobics classes (some are friggin’ hard!) but am not crazy about simultaneously hopping over a step and memorizing a dance routine while being surrounded by coordinated, graceful women (although in Boston there was always the token gay guy). While incredibly alluring outside of the gym, my go-to shoulder roll wins me no points in step class. However, when my coordinated, graceful coworker Csilla asked me to attend a step class with her on Wednesday, my brain replaced past experience with desire to make a friend. This was not smart. Taking an advanced step class in Hungarian might have been my most negative experience since moving here. I would tell you more about, but literally I start twitching when I think about it.

My commute. With no traffic, my commute to work takes 13 minutes. However, I refuse to accept that there is and always will be traffic and leave my apartment exactly 13 minutes before I need to be a work. Understandably, this often creates problems. In a related note, I will be asking for books on tape for Christmas this year. Preferably something uplifting to dull the pain of being a well-paid excel and powerpoint monkey.

HBS website. According to the HBS website, HBS has been sending out first round interview invitations for the past two weeks. This was not an issue in my life until I logged onto the website on Thursday and learned this. After the initial freak-out (I have not received an interview), I decided for my own good I should stay off the site to avoid stressing and the resulting range of emotions.

So, HBS doesn’t want me? What is wrong with me?
Whatever – too bad for them. I’ll just go somewhere else and kick ass there. Somewhere else like…shit, that means I need to apply somewhere else.

In a related note, I visited the website for the last time one hour ago.

In retrospect, after reading my entry, maybe no business school should accept me.

Happy Halloween! I just found the one Halloween party tonight in Budapest and I will be in attendance along with my turkey baster!


  1. Hi, Honey, Edina put the parking BRAKE on b/c she is used to driving a stick shift, and on a stick, there's no "park." You have to put on the brake, unless you're prepared for the car to roll away. Sorry we never gave you the experience of driving a stick. We thought we were saving you! xxxx

  2. Sweetheart, It is totally bad karma to chide someone about a typo. And, karma just came back and slapped me in the face for teasing you about break/brake! In a training session on how to use an online proofing system, I saw a typo in the HEADLINE of MY article in Paybefore Magazine -- yes, one of the few things we put out in print every year. I am sick. Karma got me good. So, have no fear that your mother will ever point out a typo again -- much less tease about it. xxx Very sad and embarrassed mommy
