Alex: “Can you please tell me what is on the menu?”
Waiter: “No.”
Susan: “Are you serving goose?”
Waiter: “No.”
(The first course was foie gras.)

Boston hosts its annual marathon this weekend; Budapest hosts its annual throw-out-your-trash-on-the-street-day. Unfortunately, the gypsies got to the good stuff before we did.

Unable to fight the forces of the Icelandic eruption, DJ 279 was stuck in London and the Urban Tribe dance party canceled.

Luckily, Szimpla Kert is as dependable as Shy Ronnie is shy.

Megh & Sus.

After this, I walked down Frat Row to pound a cutter at Bonesgate.

Megh upon realizing he may never be leaving Budapest.

No matter the view from the Erzsébet Bridge, Budapest is no New Hampshire.
Haha, looove the pic of Megh holding his head! Zand, as a dumpster-diver expert I'd have a field day on throw your garbage out on the street! So jealous!