Sunday, July 12, 2009

Balaton 2

Jackie, Susan and I needed a relaxing weekend (life is so hard here), so we headed down to Balatonöszöd. We arrived at Susan's friend's condo around midnight on Friday (the directions "around the roundabout and take a left at the toy store" don't work so well in the dark) and promoptly fell sleep. During the week I usually get about six or seven hours of sleep each night. Well, I woke up at 1 PM the next day.

The weather was nippy, so we headed into the town to get alcohol and ingredients to cook dinner that night. We stopped for lunch at an etterem and made friends with a group of Norwegian med students on a break from Balatonsound, a four-day music festival nearby. Med students in Budapest are notorious for their partying, and these guys appeared to live up to the hype (the fifth friend rolled in around 4 PM). They had to be pretty smart though because they traveled with a puppy, clearly a (successful) ploy to meet girls. We declined their invitation to accompany them to Balatonsound.

We had a great time hanging out the rest of the day. Jackie made amazing Sangria and dinner. We played my favorite game - asking people questions ("If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?") until they just stop answering me. If I had brought travel scrabble with me to Hungary, the night would have been perfect.

No one was particularly friendly to us except Marcus at the reception desk (the condo was in a gated community). Although Marcus protested he did not speak English well, he spoke it wonderfully and told us that he enjoyed practicing his English with us. This was a good thing because I visited him frequently throughout the weekend with questions such as: "Where can we get ice [so we can begin drinking this afternoon]?" "When does the toy store open [because girls in their twenties still like pool toys]?" "At what age does it become inappropriate here for young boys to run around without any clothes on?"

This low key weekend was perfect since Jackie, a couple of her friends and I are taking off on an eight-hour road trip next weekend to Sarajevo to see the oldest known pyramid. I mean, hasn't everyone always wanted to see that?

1 comment:

  1. Honey, I have noticed that I am the most prolific commenter to your blog, which has to be a total bummer for you. I mean--your mother!?!?!? But, I do feel for your situation as I have spent the last 30 years writing things that 99.999....% of the time get no reaction from anyone. It's hard to know what to think? Is what I'm writing so stupid that it's not worthy of comment? Or, are they so overwhelmed with the brilliance that they don't dare comment? Or, do they just not care? I have a feeling that a number of people are enjoying your updates but have not managed to navigate the difficulties of posting a comment. You might consider resorting to threats such as, "React or I'll stop writing!" Even that probably won't get much of a reaction, but it might make you feel better. Anyway, I hope lots of people are sending emails directly rather than posting comments. Love you, moms
