Monday, May 17, 2010


To test my newfound knowledge of European wines, we headed to the Etyek Wine Festival on Saturday. I wore my Celtics t-shirt and fleece but more appropriate attire would have been thigh-high wellies and a giant poncho.

Or spiked cleats as I nearly wiped out walking down the cellar steps.

Because of the weather.

In fact, the entire day became a bit messy - both physically and morally.

My favorite cellar obviously was the one which paired wine with chocolate.

Which was worth standing in the middle of the road to flag down a bus.

Luckily the pictures stop here, but I believe a higher power canceled Sunday's road race due to "inclement weather." Or maybe the race organizers went to Etyek too.

1 comment:

  1. I love this!!

    I also haven't kept up with the blog in the past 4 days and I can't believe I have so much to catch up on. Yay!

