Disneyland Staromestske Namesti , the old town square, is beautiful. And please note we did not take the above analogy literally; that ain’t no S’bux cup.

(For better or for worse, Nina and I feed each other’s mutual love for abbrevs and slang. I apologize if that has resulted in an incomprehensible post.)

The “Revolution” statue constructed from keys was built only a few months ago, begging the question: are the Czechs revolting against this?

It is not every day one sees a cowboy aspiring to become an F-1 racer.
The metronome in the distance replaced the behemoth Stalin Monument, which stood for only seven years. The sculptor Otakar Švec killed himself shortly before completion of the monument; he is one of many Czechs who chose suicide over communist oppression.

The metronome symbolizes that all time is relative. Or reminds me that despite 12 years of piano lessons, I still am mistaken for a beginner.

On a brighter note, the Czech Ice Hockey team defeated Russia on Sunday to win the world championship. Just like the C’s will defeat the Magic tonight and go on to win the NBA championship.

Much as one prefers to lounge in Starbucks rather than Dunkin’ Donuts (unless it is pumpkin donut time at DD), the Prague Castle trumps the one in Budapest.

And my lame analogy is done. I obviously have had too much of the ‘feine myself this morning.
I LOOOOVED Prague when I went...minus the blood stains on our sheets when he arrived at the hotel.